DIY gift for a loved one
A gift made with one's own hands is considered to be a sign of good taste – a person tried, made efforts, thinking about who he would present this gift to. The main problem with self-made presents (not all, but many) is bad taste, as a result of which you want to hide the gift away and never remember it (to the offended bewilderment of the giver).
DIY gift for February 14
Valentine's Day is a great occasion to give your loved one a handmade item. Below are the options for hand-made gifts that can be given to a guy.
Photo frame. Will appeal to romantics who cherish the memories of the pleasant moments of your novel. You can take the most ordinary frame and decorate it with hearts or other cute accessories. Then you will need to insert a beautiful joint photo into the tuned frame, and write something pleasant on the back side – for example, a confession of your feelings.
T-shirt. You will need the most ordinary white T-shirt, on which you will need to write about your feelings (use waterproof paint). If you are making progress in drawing, write on a T-shirt a portrait of the person for whom everything was started.
Cup. You can get creative with a cup of tea or coffee. Take a pristine white bowl and work your magic over it, elegantly writing something that you think is important with the help of thin brushes. You can give the product by pouring the guy his favorite drink. He will rejoice.
See also: February 14 – Valentine's Day
Sweater. Since we decided to go in difficult (and original) ways, it is clear that we will not buy a sweater, but knit. This option is suitable for girls "in the material", as well as for those who want to master the skills of this type of needlework. Important: consider the tastes of your loved one, otherwise it will turn out like in the Interns, when Boris Arkadyevich was quite justifiably shy of a sweater with a deer, knitted for him by Any.
Pillow in the shape of a heart. Romantic young ladies can sew a heart pillow, straining their imagination to the maximum – all sorts of patterns, fringe, perhaps an embroidered inscription – all this is welcome.
Sweets. That's where the scope for creativity! You can bake heart-shaped cookies, fill them with marmalade, decorate with nuts, candied fruit, marzipan, and so on. The more complex and unusual, the better.
Cookies go well with homemade blended gulls. It is prepared as follows: mix regular black tea with chopped lemon balm, mint, linden leaves, a small amount of dried lemon and orange zest, and pieces of fruit. Pack the ingredients in filter paper, sew the bags manually or on a typewriter (to make a sachet), insert the strings, on the ends of which you will need to glue a bright heart. Original, do you agree?
DIY gift for February 23
See also: What to give your loved one on February 23
But that's not all. In continuation of the "sweet" topic, you can recommend handmade sweets. They are made simply: put some dried fruit in a silicone heart mold (experiments are welcome with the filling) and fill it with melted chocolate mass. This is the easiest recipe. In search of something more interesting, as always, the Internet will help.
You can think of it for a very, very long time. The options suggested above are designed to direct thoughts in the right direction.