Angelina Jolie is staying at her favorite Aniston hotel
Foreign tabloids continue to discuss the relationship between Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston. Sometimes it may even seem that the newspapermen are deliberately trying to push their foreheads against the former and current lover of Brad Pitt.
So, recently the public was gossiping that Aniston rescheduled the flight to avoid meeting with Jolie, and now a new topic of conversation is on the agenda. According to a source, Angelina and Brad recently decided to have a romantic evening away from the children and stayed overnight at one of the Los Angeles Sunset Tower hotels. Everything would be fine, but this hotel is one of Jen's favorites.
In an interview, Aniston repeatedly admitted that when choosing a hotel in California, she always prefers the Sunset Tower. The actress likes its convenient location, interior and magnificent view from the window. It was here that Jen lived for three months with Justin Theroux, when they were looking for a new home and did not have a permanent roof over their heads. By the way, the services of a temporary shelter cost the couple 60 thousand dollars.
Angelina, unlike Jennifer, has not previously stated her preferences in terms of hotels: she has stayed several times in other places in the city, such as the Four Seasons and the Bel Air Hotel. Now, for unknown reasons, beloved Pitt insisted on the Sunset Tower.
In addition, according to an insider, the actors took the number that Aniston usually chooses. Besides, if gossip is to be believed, Angie had tried to book this two-room apartment before, but the room wasn't available at the time.
According to one of the hotel staff, Jolie and Pitt checked into room 1502 in the evening and did not leave it until 11 am the next day. The couple had dinner on the balcony, enjoying the views of Los Angeles.
According to rumors, when the news that Angelina and Brad spent the night in Jen's favorite room reached the ears of the actress, she was furious. According to an anonymous source, the thought of the couple sleeping in the bed she usually chooses upset her greatly.
And a spokesperson for the Mr. and Mrs. Smith star couple confirmed that the celebrities recently spent a night out:
It remains to be hoped that there was no malicious intent in Jolie's act and Aniston's favorite room was the only free one in the hotel.
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt spent a romantic night in a hotel
At the Sunset Tower Hotel, Jennifer Aniston's Favorite Place