Man and woman, yin and yang, two halves of one whole. These halves are different and not at all similar to each other. It is often difficult for them to find mutual understanding. After all, the psychology of men and women is different. Does this mean that it is better to stay alone and live without the hassle and worries. Or is it better to try to understand each other, achieve harmony in relationships and live happily and happily.
Five steps on the way to rapprochement.
The rapprochement of opposite sexes does not begin immediately. The psychology of a man and a woman is such that you need to go through a grinding period. It is divided into several stages.
Do men love with their eyes? Yes, there's nothing to be done, but first of all they are attracted by appearance – eyes, chest, legs. For women, the intellect of a man comes first. Having met a girl that he likes, the guy experiences physical attraction. Well, it's the nature of men that they need sex. Just do not think that with everyone. Having appreciated the attractive appearance of the girl, he is ready to appreciate her other virtues – kindness, intelligence, thrift. Girls go headlong into their feelings. The external attractiveness of a man is not at all in the first place.
The first step was overcome – the guy and the girl liked each other. The next step is called uncertainty. After a man has achieved the location of a woman, he suddenly turns on his brains and begins to wonder if he needs such a life partner? Or maybe this is one of the many hobbies for a while? At the same time, the carried away comrade does not stop courtship. A girl at this stage of the relationship should be patient and not constantly sort things out. Let the guy sort out his feelings. Annoyance may not be in your favor. During this period, some cooling of relations may occur. But, you should not be upset, the attraction after that compensates for temporary troubles.
The third step will be more pleasant. The psychology of a man and a woman is such that at this stage they have gone the way to rapprochement. The man has decided, he wants to be only with this girl. The girl has the same feelings. Almost harmony. She is a little spoiled by the man's doubts about whether he is the only one she has.
At the fourth stage of the relationship, complete mutual understanding and trust reign. The man and the woman have grown together so tightly that they no longer imagine how they lived before without each other. All the flaws and virtues are revealed, you can be yourself, and not try to embellish reality. Relationships are strong, stable, violent passions subsided, calmness sets in.
The fifth step is the last one before marriage. The guy and the girl are engaged, the future daughter-in-law hugs the future mother-in-law nicely, and the son-in-law goes fishing with his father-in-law. It would seem that nothing will overshadow the time remaining before the wedding. But, at this stage, someone from the couple is sometimes in for a deep disappointment. Having weighed the seriousness of the wedding ties, the partner does not dare to spend the rest of his life together.
How to understand if a man loves you.
To achieve harmony in relationships, a woman simply needs to be sure that she is loved. Then the man is ready to forgive a lot. Sometimes, even something that is not worth forgiving. Remember the notorious: beats, then loves.
How do you know if a man loves? After all, representatives of the stronger half are not emotional, often hide feelings, how to figure it out? The psychology of man and woman tries to answer these questions. But, there are no ready-made recipes here. As there are no identical people, there are no identical relationships, and there are no identical expressions of feelings. And yet there are three signs that a man loves:
- When you are afraid of losing a loved one. This sign is 95% correct. Well, the remaining 5% is the fear of loneliness. There may be self-doubt and fear of not finding another.
- A manifestation of concern for your soul mate, a feeling of pity can tell a lot. A strong woman has a genetically inherent desire to protect her beloved. If you are surrounded by care, they try to make life easier, they worry – then what more proof of love do you need? The man himself enjoys this care, does not consider it something special, requiring gratitude and praise.
- At the initial stage of a relationship, a man admires a lot in a woman. If he continues to look with adoration at his soul mate telling a funny story in the company of friends, admires her charm, devotion and loyalty, understanding, then he loves.
Harmonious relationships are not immediately given. Sometimes they work on them all their lives. But, the contemplation of cute old people supporting each other in the park on the alley makes one strive to do this work.