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Keep the feminine in business


Modern business conditions dictate common rules for all: you need to be strong, self-confident, never give up, go ahead. Only by maintaining firm determination and steadfastness can success be achieved. In our time, women, for the sake of career growth, are trying to instill in themselves qualities that were previously characteristic only of men, while losing their primordially feminine features: tenderness, softness, warmth. How to build a successful career and at the same time maintain your femininity? A few simple hints will help answer this question.

Do not compete with men
The history of the development of women's emancipation has many examples of the fact that a woman can work everywhere – in a mine, on a combine, on laying roads. But is it worth proving to the whole world that you are not weaker than men, while giving all your strength? No need to sit at work until late at night, trying to prove that you are capable of more. Use purely feminine qualities: intuition, flexibility, the ability to establish contact with people, and career advancement will not take long.

Don't Neglect Your Attractiveness
Many women find that disguising their femininity at work is the best way to win the respect of their colleagues. Allegedly, no one will take a girl with makeup and high heels seriously, thinking that she spends more time on beauty salons, and not on developing professional projects. This is a long gone stereotype. A successful business woman must not only be a highly qualified specialist, but also be able to impress, and for this you need to look good.

Maintain emotional balance
In difficult conflict situations or when it is necessary to make difficult choices, men usually try to remain calm and concentrate on all possible solutions to the problem. Women, by virtue of their nature, are more emotional, therefore they endure stressful situations more difficult than the representatives of the stronger sex. However, do not worry that this makes a woman weaker as a specialist: men are just as nervous at work as their colleagues, they just try not to show it outwardly.

Of course, it's hard for a woman to hide her feelings, so in order to avoid a nervous breakdown, allow yourself to relax a little before an important meeting by chatting on the phone with a close friend or loved one – this will relieve tension and more rationally approach the solution of the problem.

Do not weave intrigues
The interest of most women in news from the lives of colleagues is a legendary subject of all sorts of jokes and anecdotes. If you want to have a reputation as a professional in your field, do not participate in other people's discussions, it is better to devote time to work issues – this will definitely strengthen your business position.

In any situation, it is necessary to remain a woman: beautiful, sociable and sincere, positive-minded, flexible, responsible and accurate, responsive, purposeful, patient – this is the strength of the weaker sex. No need to try to be like men – your feminine positive qualities will undoubtedly help you succeed at work.
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