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Shopping without mistakes


People live in a world of consumption, from all sides, every hour they are forced to buy something. And they do it smartly. No, they don’t sell you a bag or new trousers or a jacket… They sell you a dream, that is, they offer you a product in such a way that you want to buy this particular thing, imagining the most unimaginable consequences associated with this purchase.

When you see a tanned girl in white linen trousers on a bright advertising poster, standing on the deck of a snow-white yacht and looking at the azure sea, you are offered not trousers, but a fairy tale – who does not want to be the same carelessly beautiful loafer? And you buy linen trousers, because somehow it seems implicitly that the main thing is the pants, because here they are, next to each other, and even at a discount. And the yacht, the sea, vacation and lazy idleness will add themselves miraculously.

As a result, you come home with white pants, and only after trying them on in front of the mirror in the hallway, you realize that the white color fills you. Yes, and vacation this summer does not shine for you, and if it shines, then not at sea, and you have nothing suitable for these trousers – no blouse, no sandals, no turquoise beads, no yacht. And one more thing, bought under the influence of feelings, goes to the closet, punching a noticeable hole in the budget.

In order not to become a victim of shopping, do not go shopping in upset feelings – at this moment the danger of buying something unnecessary, like a consolation prize, increases significantly. Try also not to run into the shops without a clear shopping plan, "just take a walk at lunchtime." It is during these innocent walks that you make the most unnecessary expenses, which you later regret.

Make a list of what you need and forbid yourself to buy anything else. For example, you need new autumn shoes, black or gray trousers, red gloves and a roomy bag. Do not allow yourself to be distracted until you find everything you need. Otherwise, you run the risk of walking out with a crimson clutch, jeans, three silk handkerchiefs and a bunch of T-shirts, the purchase of which is not so relevant in November.

Also, do not buy a thing if it is small for you, hoping to throw off a couple of extra pounds. As a rule, kilograms remain with you, and the thing sadly lies in a chest of drawers.

If suddenly you really liked some clothes, but you doubt that you have something to wear it with, do not hope that “something will be found". If a new blouse is out of your usual style, then you don’t have any trousers, skirt, or shoes for it, and, therefore, you will either have to spend more money in order to complete the set, or it will also be sadly unclaimed .

You need to know well which colors are right for you. Resist the temptation when you see a shop window decorated in lovely purple or emerald tones, if you have long found out that these colors “kill” you and make you look older, no matter how good these things look on a red-haired mannequin. You are a pale natural blonde, this is not for you.

If you know about your ability to get carried away with shopping, then cash out before going to the store. It is psychologically more difficult to part with “live” money than with “invisible” ones.

What if the purpose of the relationship is something unconditional for which both the man and the woman could take responsibility? What if this is… the practice of love? Love is what is within us; something for which we are responsible in both good and bad times. Love allows us to focus on our own efforts and responsibilities, as well as to notice the advantages of our partner. Too many people focus on taking something from the relationship. But, for a harmonious relationship, you need to give, take responsibility for your happiness, and then “invest” it in others.

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