Decided to get married?
So, this moment has come. Beloved man made you an offer of marriage. You are planning a big wedding, making a list of guests and thinking about what dress to choose for the ceremony. But now many people forget that marriage can be registered not only in the registry office, but also in the church. If you are believers, you probably thought about getting married in a church. Do you know how to do it right?
The first and most important rule of a church wedding is that the bride and groom must be baptized in the same faith. In other words, if one of you is baptized and the other is not, or if you are of a different religion, this is an obstacle to getting married. In addition, persons under a certain age are not allowed to marry. For the groom, this is 18 years old, for the bride – 16. At the ceremony, the bride and groom must be wearing crosses, which symbolizes their belonging to the same faith and indicates their readiness to accept the sacred wedding ceremony.
Unlike registering marriages in the registry office, you can not get married in a church on any day. Ceremonies are not held during fasts (both during multi-day fasts and during one-day fasts). In addition, the fact that one of the spouses has already been married several times may be an obstacle to a church wedding. If the marriage is already the fourth in a row, they will not marry you, since the church opposes multiple marriages. Traditionally, the bride and groom should not be related by blood, but this rule is now already followed.
Now about the clothes that are allowed for the wedding ceremony. Here, mainly, we should focus on the bride's costume, since the groom, as a rule, is dressed very conservatively. So, for the wedding ceremony, the bride should choose a dress with covered shoulders, chest and back. It should be modest and not overly tight or provocative. You can even choose a simple white dress for the ceremony, because you are in the church, do not forget about it! Although, now many brides prefer to get married in their wedding dresses and, of course, there is nothing reprehensible in this. If your outfit does not comply with church rules, your shoulders, chest and back can be covered for the duration of the ceremony with a cape or train. Speaking of the train, according to tradition, it must be on the bride's dress. There is such a sign that the longer the train,
To arrange a wedding, you must visit the church of your choice in advance, since there is also a certain schedule for such a procedure. The wedding is held only if you have a marriage certificate, so first you still have to go through the marriage registration procedure at the registry office. According to tradition, before the wedding, the bride and groom must fast for some time and not have intimate relationships for three days before the ceremony. On the day of the sacrament, it is necessary to attend the liturgy, take communion and confess. If photo and video shooting will be carried out during the ceremony, the ministers of the church should be warned about this in advance. Also, in advance, before starting the procedure, you need to give the rings to the priest who will conduct the ceremony. He will put them on the fingers of the newlyweds himself.
Remember that a church wedding is not just a tribute to modern fashion and a beautiful ritual. A wedding is one of the most important sacraments of the Church, designed to unite the hearts and souls of lovers in the face of the Lord. It makes sense to go through this procedure only if you are both ready for it and feel the need to get married. Remember that the wedding is the beginning of your life together, take this ceremony with all seriousness!