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“Naked” scandal around Prince Harry: the worst is yet to come


Prince Harry

The past week has been a busy one for Prince Harry, with images of him playing billiards going around the world, completely naked. While the prince was recovering from such a stormy fun in Las Vegas, in Britain they were already wondering with might and main how the current scandal would turn out for a member of the royal family and assured that he would be demoted.

However, it looks like the worst is yet to come. An anonymous source said that photos of naked Harry are still flowers, and we have yet to see the “berries":

Something worse happened at that party. And this will have much more serious consequences than "naked billiards."

What is this? And is it related to the offer to star in a porn film that Harry received:

We are lost in conjectures and try not to think about the bad.

Meanwhile, Harry is depressed and very worried that the details of that night will become public (he even deleted his Facebook account, where he was known as Spike Wells), the royal court is still silent, and Cressida Bonet, with whom Harry seen more than once recently, gave the prince a turn from the gate (who would like this behavior of a boyfriend!).

Harry, keep your nose up! "Gossips" with you!

"Naked" scandal around Prince Harry: the worst is yet to come

At first, nothing foreshadowed the scandal: Prince Harry in Las Vegas

"Naked" scandal around Prince Harry: the worst is yet to come"Naked" scandal around Prince Harry: the worst is yet to come
"Naked" scandal around Prince Harry: the worst is yet to come

But now Harry does not know where to put his eyes from shame …

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