Bride and groom: distribution of wedding responsibilities
Organizing a wedding takes a lot of time and effort. To make the process less tiring, the bride and groom should share responsibilities. This is also necessary so that each of them can participate in organizing the celebration and make the wedding a truly happy event.
Despite the fact that the bride and groom may deal with different issues when organizing a celebration, they should still consult with each other. Otherwise, already at the wedding, it may turn out that the bride does not like the procession, and the groom does not like the choice of dishes. When distributing responsibilities, both traditions and preferences of future spouses can be taken into account.
Young people should choose wedding dresses for themselves. The bride has every right to buy or order exactly the dress she dreamed of, while the groom will make a choice between a tuxedo and a tailcoat, a jacket and a vest, etc.. It is desirable that the bride, having chosen a dress, sees the suit in which the groom intends to come to the wedding, and, if necessary, corrects it a little.
Traditionally, the choice and purchase of a wedding bouquet is entrusted to the groom, but it would still be better if the bride takes care of it. The fact is that, ideally, the florist should see the wedding dress in order to select a bouquet that harmonizes with it. Since the groom should not see the bride's dress before the wedding, you can give him the right, if not to choose, then at least to pick up the bouquet. But the bride needs to discuss the presence and appearance of the boutonniere with the groom.
Issues related to the choice of cars for the transport cortege, their rental, decoration, route determination, etc., can be decided by the groom. If he dreamed of a ride not in a limousine, but, for example, in a retro car, the bride can make concessions and allow her lover to fulfill her desire. Also, the groom can deal with such matters as organizing fireworks, finding a suitable photographer and videographer, concluding agreements with them and with the toastmaster, choosing alcoholic beverages. In addition, it is the groom at the registry office who is usually asked to bring all the necessary documents immediately before registration, so he should collect them in advance, not forgetting the bride's documents, and bring them with him to registration.
And finally, there are things that the bride and groom can do together or distribute them among themselves as they wish. This is, for example, choosing a place where the celebration will take place, determining the list of guests, ordering a wedding cake, choosing the festive decoration of the hall, script features, etc. The same applies to the purchase of wedding rings, since each of the spouses may have their own preferences in this matter.