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How to choose jeans


The answer to the question of what clothes are the most popular has long left no room for doubt. Of course, this is the most versatile piece of any wardrobe – jeans. However, another question – which jeans – causes more difficulties. In fact, it is also quite simply allowed: it should be jeans in a figure.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to find your perfect pair of jeans once and for all. Every time you decide to choose a new pair, be prepared to try on half the store. You will have to spend time searching for your exact model, but one thing is for sure – you will never say that it was wasted.

A few simple tips on how to choose jeans according to your figure will help facilitate your search. To search, it is better to go not to the market, but to a good store. It is better to spend money on purchasing one, but high-quality pair that will serve you for many years and will not change shape, than every six months to throw out another cheap new thing that has become deformed beyond recognition.

The rule of thumb is to choose jeans that feel a bit tight. Focus on how they fasten – this process should cause some difficulties. The fabric of these pants is easy to stretch and conform to the shape of your body. This happens every time after washing, so it is usually advised to try on jeans in your size and down a size. 

Pay attention to the stitching, seams, piping and fastening of button and snap accessories. They must be strong, made with uniform stitches (in the case of seams). The rivets usually have a logo or company name – the quality of the engraving can say a lot about the quality of the chosen pair. Please note that popular brands do not place their names in prominent places.

Check the quality of the paint – for this it is enough to resort to the help of a simple wet match. Run it over the fabric to see if the paint remains on the wood.

Look for a pair that suits your body type. The selection process can be shortened if you remember that loose jeans that expand downwards are best for large girls or those who want to visually stretch in length. Short jeans, tight and tight, serve the same purpose. Women with luxurious shapes and wide hips are better off refusing to pile up accessories.

What if the purpose of the relationship is something unconditional for which both the man and the woman could take responsibility? What if this is… the practice of love? Love is what is within us; something for which we are responsible in both good and bad times. Love allows us to focus on our own efforts and responsibilities, as well as to notice the advantages of our partner. Too many people focus on taking something from the relationship. But, for a harmonious relationship, you need to give, take responsibility for your happiness, and then “invest" it in others.

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