Being possessive of a partner can only hurt the relationship. There are many reasons why people may feel possessive, including issues of trust, jealousy, or low self-esteem. Here are some tips to keep things in perspective if you feel like you or your partner is in a position of ownership.
1 Forget about the past
You may have been cheated or lied to before, but this is a new relationship. Don't let the past ruin what you are doing now. Your partner is a different person and deserves a fresh start.
2 Don't be bossy
The more you worry about your partner not loving you or being honest with you, the more you push them away. Nobody wants to be with a person in need, so don't accumulate all your fears and worries about love on your partner.
3 Live your life It goes hand in hand without having power. If you have your own job, your own hobbies, and your own social life, you will become a more interesting person to your partner. Of course, it is important to spend time together, but it is also nice to spend time and share new experiences with each other.
4 Don't Be Jealous Jealousy is not only a quick relationship killer, but it will make you feel cruel and hateful in everyday life. You don't have to be jealous of everyone they can spend time with. Make sure you know your dignity and understand that your partner is lucky to be with you.
5 Know each other's friends
A great way to not be jealous of each other is to get to know each other's social circles. If you know who you're spending time with, you'll know there's no reason to worry.
6 Don't try to change your partner
You knew who your partner was when you were involved in the relationship – why would you want to change him or her now?
7 Try to find the root of the problem
Why do you feel possessive in your relationship? Whether it's a fear of a past relationship or even something that happened as a child, you need to figure out what makes you feel and act the way you do.
8 Trust your partner (and yourself)
Often people feel insecure about others because they project what they see in themselves. You may be worried that your partner flirts when he or she goes out with friends because you flirt when you go out with friends. If you only trust flirting and don't go beyond that, you should be able to trust your partner.
9 Don't spy
Agree, everyone did it! Checking the email of an account that's left open, scrolling through sent text messages, browsing your browser history… It may seem normal and harmless, but it creates cracks in a relationship. You clearly think there is something to be found, and it hurts the trust you have (or should have) in your partner.
10 Be honest about your problems
Tell your partner how you feel. Talk about a problem from your past that makes it hard for you to trust. Tell them how you feel when they do certain things.