It is reminiscent of the feeling before a sexual debut – the first intimacy with a new person you like is always exciting. What do you need to know to make a date enjoyable and make you and your partner want to do it again?
Intimacy with first partner
Alcohol – in moderation! A couple of glasses of something light – wine, champagne, martinis – and that's enough for you. And then everything can turn out ugly. You have memory lapses, he has erection problems – and then a desire to say goodbye as soon as possible. Forever and ever. In addition, it has been proven that a large amount of alcohol reduces sensitivity – and the most exquisite caresses will not be able to fully work. Excitement, of course, requires anesthesia – it is just the indicated norm (2 glasses) of "female" alcohol.
Remember "protection". It is better to take care of contraception yourself. You must have condoms. Fear "what will he think of me?" funny, to be honest. Our men keep up with the times – not too good thoughts and even suspicions will cause them just a person who does not use contraceptives. Unlike a smart girl who takes care of her own health.
Modesty adorns. You should not reveal all your intimate possibilities at the first meeting – a young man can easily consider you a professional "without fear and reproach."
And he can also feel used – and he will leave forever, saddened. However, it's not worth replaying, making big eyes at the sight of a naked, excited man – you need to make it clear that next time it will be even better, because you know a lot more caresses.
When going on a first date, also: do not overeat, otherwise you won’t have enough strength, protect yourself from surprises by turning off the phones and the doorbell. And give up idealizations – otherwise you will be disappointed.