Is sex recommended during menstruation? The vast majority of women try to avoid sexual intercourse while menstruation lasts, and this is not a problem for them. However, there are women who are not ready for such “long" breaks and therefore do not limit themselves to bed comforts during menstruation. Meanwhile, scientists are still arguing about the benefits and harms of intimacy on critical days, because it has both unconditional disadvantages and undeniable advantages.
Cons of sex during menstruation
- Both for a woman and for a man at this time there is a high probability of getting an infection, since bacteria multiply very quickly in such a favorable environment as blood. Due to the fact that these days the uterine cervix is ajar, harmful microorganisms can easily get inside, leading to the development of pathogenic processes. Therefore, if you do not have absolute confidence in your health or your partner, you often have to suffer due to an imbalance in the microflora, it is better to refuse sexual intercourse on the days of menstruation.
- Just as easily as infections, STDs are transmitted at this time. During this period, in no case do not agree to intimacy with an unfamiliar partner. Without compliance with increased hygiene measures, pathogens can enter the uterine cavity, causing inflammation in it. Moreover, the use of a condom makes sex safe only for your partner.
- It is impossible not to mention the non-aesthetic nature of sex on critical days. Quite a few men prefer not to come into contact with menstrual blood. And it's not about the fear of infection. Just the very sight of female secretions discourages them from sexual intercourse.
Benefits of having sex during your period
- Many ladies, when making love on critical days, are able to experience more vivid sexual sensations than usual, because due to blood flow to the vagina, it swells, becoming narrower and therefore more sensitive, and in addition, it is well moisturized.
- Sex during menstruation reduces the pain that accompanies it. The fact is that spasms during the onset of orgasm contribute to the expulsion of fluid from the uterine cavity, thereby reducing its swelling. As a result, the pain recedes, and the duration of menstruation is reduced.
- The risk of getting pregnant during menstruation is minimal, so you do not need to constantly think about the reliability of contraceptive measures.
How to have sex during your period
If there is still intimacy, follow a few simple rules, and then sexual contact will do without negative consequences. First of all, remember the increased importance of hygiene and water procedures. It is better to use special intimate hygiene products suitable for both women and men.
Alternatively, classic sex on the days of menstruation can be replaced with oral sex. Using tampons, you can not scare your partner with blood, giving him and getting pleasure in return.
Another idea for making love on critical days is anal sex. True, when practicing it, again, remember the hygiene and vulnerability of a woman.
Contraceptives (condoms) should not be neglected. Of course, the probability of getting pregnant is minimal, but still it exists.
Whether you will have sex during your period is up to you, however, in pursuit of pleasure, do not forget about your health. Remember, you should not actively experiment on such days, refuse water procedures and have sexual intercourse with an unfamiliar man.