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According to doctors, sex that does not end with an orgasm is not just a waste of time for a woman, but also a real threat to health. Of course, this is not at all a reason to refuse to make love, however, you should not leave everything as it is. 

What is the danger of the absence of orgasm for women's health

The result of constant female dissatisfaction is not only a bad mood, in addition, it also creates many other dangers. The thing is that when a woman is excited, estrogens are released into her blood in large quantities, concentrating near the genitals and mammary glands. Stagnation in the blood, this hormone can provoke the development of mastopathy and even contribute to the appearance of fibroids (according to statistics, 65% of women facing this disease did not have regular sexual intercourse ending in orgasm). Substances produced at the moment of the highest pleasure are responsible for the neutralization of estrogens. If the woman has not reached the “peak", estrogens stay in the blood for at least an hour, which is by no means useful.

By the way, during the breakdown, estrogens stimulate the production of collagen in the body, due to which the formation of wrinkles slows down, and the skin looks beautiful and young longer!

In addition to reducing the risk of developing tumors, good sex can reduce pain. The release of endorphins during orgasm not only improves mood, but also dulls, for example, menstrual and other pain.

Satisfied excitement also acts as a prevention of colds – high-quality sex strengthens the immune system (increases the level of immunoglobulin), so by doing it a couple or three times a week, you will forget about frequent colds!

Regular sex is a pleasant and effective physical activity, in which all muscle groups are involved, so satisfied women always look attractive.

Reasons for the lack of orgasm in women

A woman needs an orgasm – this is understandable. But why do quite a few of the fair sex fail to get it? Quite a large number of reasons that can act in combination or in isolation can interfere with this.

One of the fairly common reasons is the sexual inexperience of a male partner, or his selfishness in bed. Thinking only about his own satisfaction, the unfortunate lover sometimes does not even consider it necessary to excite a woman properly, and not just to bring her to orgasm by any means.

If until the age of 25 regular sex without relaxation can still be considered a semblance of the norm, then after 30 it's time to talk about the presence of biological (certain disorders in the heart, nervous system, abnormalities in the development of genital organs, etc.), or psychological reasons. The category of the latter is very wide – it is also too strict upbringing, when carnal pleasure is considered immoral or sinful, various phobias and fears, rape in the past, an inferiority complex, sexual unattractiveness of a partner, etc.

How to get an orgasm

So far, there is no universal solution to how to get an orgasm. Every situation is different. To begin with, a woman needs to determine what exactly prevents her from achieving satisfaction. If the point is the ineptness of male actions, you need to speak frankly with your partner, or during a love game, direct him in the “right direction”, offer to diversify the usual “sex menu”, etc. 

If the reason lies in the biological sphere, sign up for a consultation with a gynecologist. He will tell you how to correct the situation in a given situation.

If the root of the problem is in some psychological "obstacles", it is better to overcome them with an experienced psychologist who will help get rid of the fear blocking your orgasm and develop a model of the "path" to pleasure. And then you just have to train and experiment! Good luck!

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