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Unusual wedding bouquets


Floral fashion is actively developing and now wedding guests can be surprised with bridal bouquets in the form of an umbrella, fan, heart, ball, wand, basket or handbag. Some even use a bouquet in the form of a bracelet or clutch. But once the bride in her hands had only round or cascading bouquets, which were made from half-blown flowers or buds.

Unusual wedding bouquets

A heart-shaped bouquet is considered to be a very original and touching type of bouquet: it is also called a “loving heart". Such a frame bouquet is very popular among girls. Usually it is decorated with several exotic flowers and looks simply bewitching.

Unusual wedding bouquets

For a stylish bride, a bouquet-clutch can become a unique accessory. In this special bouquet, flowers and greenery are combined in such an unnatural way that the bride could put her hand inside it and wear this bouquet in this way. By the way, often a loop is sewn on the hem of the wedding dress so that the bride can attach flowers and relax.

Unusual wedding bouquets

An English bridal bouquet created by combining a triangle and a circle looks like an inverted teardrop. It is also called a drop-shaped bouquet, in itself it is very dense. Such a bouquet looks very unusual and beautiful in the hands of any bride.

In 1900, at the peak of popularity, there was an original bouquet that looked like a single blossoming flower. At that time, it was made only from the petals of camellias and gladioli. Nowadays, such a lovely bouquet is collected from a variety of flowers and leaves.

Unusual wedding bouquets

Another not simple bouquet is considered a structural bouquet. The flowers in it are located at different heights, so the hemisphere is not ideal. Often they make such a bouquet of ribbons, feathers and fabric.

Unusual wedding bouquets

Unusually beautiful among bouquets and popular in floristry is a bouquet in the form of a hemisphere. Looking at the bouquet from above, you will see a circle, and from the side it looks like a hemisphere. By the way, there are a large number of varieties of such a bouquet.

An unusual bouquet will certainly be a small but memorable detail of your wedding. Only if you decide on an unusual bouquet, then you should carefully consider everything to the smallest detail.

Wedding, Wedding ceremony – one of the family rituals that formalizes marriage. Its social significance comes down to creating a new family for the purpose of procreation, establishing kinship, changing the family and age status and publicly recognizing the status of the spouses. It belongs to the most complex organized rituals. It combines linguistic, folklore-poetic, ritual, musical, visual and other plans.

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