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Woman and business


Woman and business – for many, these are two completely incompatible terms, such as "woman and car", "woman and politics". Most men who have their own business cannot imagine that a woman could be in their place. After all, everyone is used to seeing in the fair sex a wife, mother, housewife, and in extreme cases – just an accounting worker or a saleswoman. But this is far from being the case…

From the very beginning of the development of the business, it was a purely male lot. If women got into it, then, as a rule, not for long. The business was originally created according to schemes that required a tough character, acumen, uncompromisingness and everything that is inherent only to men. If a representative of the fair sex embarked on this path, then she had to quickly say goodbye to her femininity and become aggressive and cruel. Yes, and men treated her somehow prejudiced. Times have changed a bit now…

Women and business: pros and cons
After many studies, scientists have proven that women in business have many advantages over men.

For example, they have more developed qualities such as:
the ability to think ahead of the course of events;
ability to work with a team.

Also, a woman is much better able to analyze ongoing events and analyze both the entire project as a whole and its component parts. For most men, achieving this is an almost impossible goal.

It is impossible not to mention the eloquence of a woman, which, as a rule, is inherent from birth in all the fair sex. This feature helps to convince any interlocutor or partner that the lady is right and “pull" the scales in her direction.

There is another quality that all women are endowed with by mother nature herself – scrupulousness. It is thanks to her, if necessary, to calculate the position of the company in the money market, a woman will cope with this task perfectly.

The downside of most business women is such a character trait as emotionality, because of which they take everything that happens at work too “closely” to their hearts. Excessive emotionality is the main drawback of "female management", because in the first place it becomes the cause of self-doubt and injustice to others.

Another unpleasant moment that can lie in wait for lovely ladies who decide to run their own business concerns their family. To achieve any goal, you have to give yourself to your favorite work entirely and completely, leaving no time for children and family, which harms her well-being. Here, many have to make a difficult choice.

A few figures
According to statistics, most successful business women have specialized secondary education (about 54%). 25% graduated from higher educational institutions, and 21% – secondary.

Here's what age statistics say:

40% of women became hostages of business from 18 to 30 years old. The reasons for this early "entry" is the desire to make a successful career and become financially independent. And for many, it's just running a family business.

20% of ladies become business women between the ages of 31 and 40. The main reason is dissatisfaction with the current job.

25% of women enter the business between the ages of 41 and 49. Most of them do this for several reasons: worsening financial situation, divorce, death of a spouse.

15% of the fairer sex begin to do their own thing after 50 – 55 years, because it is at this time that ladies become pensioners.

More than 30% of the facilities in the United States of America are under the strict guidance of women. At the same time, inexorable statistics claim that only 1 such enterprise out of 5 will go bankrupt, and this is much less than that of men.

Instead of a conclusion
As a result, one thing can be said – every year a woman stands stronger and stronger on the hard ladder of business. Her importance in the modern world is growing not only as a wife and mother, but also as a business woman, which even the most “stubborn” men began to recognize. And in some industries, the stronger sex generally lost its positions and gave the leading role to women. What will happen in the future, one can only guess …
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