Words that turn men on: say in his ear
Gentle words spoken in his ear can awaken interest and passion in him much more than unambiguous actions. The main thing is to know what and how to say. And besides, it is necessary to say them in a certain situation.
Well-aimed phrases can affect the brain of a man no less exciting than the appearance of a lady. And sometimes a woman pronounces cherished words without realizing it herself. But in most cases, exciting words are well thought out and used to the point. For those who do not understand the magic of verbal communication very well, experts have popularly explained what belongs to the category of magic words for a man.
What are exciting words
First of all, those words that a man easily reacts to are simple and concise. The words that you say to get a partner can be anything – gentle, affectionate, sensual, naive, stupid, vulgar, indecent, but not pretentious. The right type of words is determined by what your man is responding to in terms of sex. So, for example, if he is turned on by all sorts of tenderness and stupidity, such as "My dear teddy bear", etc., they must be used in order to influence his auditory erogenous zones.
For the correct pronunciation of such words, the mood of a woman is necessary in the first place. She should not painfully wait when you can insert that very cherished word. As a rule, the necessary phrases fly out of the lips of the lady at the moment when she and her gentleman are completely relaxed, enjoying the atmosphere they themselves created. This is possible only if the couple is not oppressed by any domestic problems, financial issues.
The phrases that every girl says in order to influence her man should come from the heart, and not be a blank from magazines, an artificial insert in your relationship. If there is no emotional coloring, there will be no emotional reaction. It is impossible to be tense and strained in the matter of sex and flirting – this will only spoil everything and make a man feel extremely uncomfortable.
Phrases to make a man follow can be quite simple – for example, the most common compliment. So, for example, if you hold a man's hand, stroke his fingers and thoughtfully note that he has beautiful long aristocratic fingers, this can work much more than a dozen stupid things that you whisper in his ear.
What phrases for virtual sex can you use if you know a man for only five minutes? None. In order to competently excite a gentleman with words, you must have at least some idea of u200bu200bhis character and inclinations.
Fashionable words and phrases can only be used by knowing their meaning. Otherwise, you risk getting into a puddle.
The main topics that are considered exciting
What phrases men like – this question is often asked by ladies who want to have leverage over their gentleman. In fact, it can be absolutely any topic. This is both a praise of the physical virtues of a man, and a hint of an intimate continuation of your meeting, and small frivolous fantasies. However, phrases for virtual sex should always remain within the boundaries of what is permitted.
You should always try to call your partner to a dialogue with your phrases. Of course, there are situations when a lady whispers nonsense to a man, and he is silent, but smiling, and both of them are comfortable.
Oddly enough, but sometimes a lady in anger acts on a man when she screams and swears. Many gentlemen find nothing more sexy than burning eyes, heaving breasts. At this moment, even what she says is not so important.
In any case, before applying such a method of seduction to a man, you must be sure that he will perceive it correctly.