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There was a time when writers didn't have the opportunity to describe things by their proper names when it came to sex, let alone orgasm. Today, when the culture of modern life allows us to talk about everything our heart desires, in conversations on the above mentioned topics, we use a lot of interesting terms, for example, how to finish, reach the highest point, conquer peaks, great shock. But, despite the all-round declared emancipation, many women cannot cope with such terminology and the expression of their desires in specific words.

How to reach an orgasm.

Probably almost every woman can come when the male has enough self-control to last a long time. There is some truth in this statement, but in this situation, sex definitely loses a significant proportion of the bright moments that bring the main joy to partners from this activity. Indeed, as life shows, the brightest peaks of pleasure are achieved in the process of making love in the first five minutes of the process. And when the contact drags on for 20-30 minutes, turning into a monotonous pumping of a partner, which is often abused by men, making the weaker sex feel like it was serviced by an automatic machine. In this state, a woman may end, but to say that this is an orgasm, probably, will not be entirely correct, since a technical sex orgasm will occur, but, of course, it will not be the same surge of pleasure, which could be achieved with more sensitive and less prolonged intercourse. Therefore, it would be logical and more appropriate in this case to replace 20-30 minutes of boring wiping one of the woman's holes provided for the process with pre-sexual caresses.

There is an opinion that at the moment when Madame starts to finish, the owner of the penis must hammer the female with all his might. HOW TO ACHIEVE AN ORGASMAnd this is a huge delusion, because it will be much more interesting for both partners to have a measured and smooth move, which will ensure a harmonious and vivid physical and emotional completion of sexual intercourse. Many women are perplexed why the death from masturbation is more vivid and enchanting than from sex with a man. The answer lies in the elementary, because a woman, masturbating, feels vaginal spasms, while reducing the pressure of an exciting object or hands. The representative of the stronger sex, who, when approaching the peak of his woman's pleasure, hammers her with all his strength, makes a huge mistake, depriving his partner of the true and bright completion of the act of love.

There is an opinion that simultaneous orgasms are the most it in terms of pleasure. And oddly enough, those who think so are very, very mistaken. As practice shows, ending at one moment can be partners who know each other very well and have already got used to it in terms of sexual life. If we consider a different case, then it will be sensible here when the woman finishes first.

There are thoughts among men that if you finish without her, then a woman may feel used, or when a woman ends first, then she automatically loses further interest in the further process. Both the first and the second are not true. Having reached the peak of pleasure, a woman can continue to enjoy sensitive penetrations. At such moments, the contracting vagina perceives the pulsation of the penis more pronounced than during orgasm. After feeling an orgasm, a lady can enjoy the feeling of a strengthened penis, ready to be discharged any moment, having fun, anticipating the second of the beginning of the eruption. Feeling how a man cums inside, a woman can get indescribably colorful emotions.HOW TO ACHIEVE AN ORGASMSome males believe that they hurt their partner by continuing to penetrate after she has finished, but this is not true. It is worth remembering the existing physical and emotional differences between the sexes. It has already been said above that after an orgasm a woman has a particularly high sensitivity in relation to her partner, while there are no pain sensations. A finished woman has an excellent opportunity to enjoy emotionally, watching her partner's face when he finishes. Also, this time is suitable for dirty talk, which a very large number of the fairer sex secretly dreams of.

Particular attention should be paid to breathing when reaching orgasm.

Many women hold their breath before feeling the euphoric end approaching. "Her breathing got ragged" This is my favorite line from a porn novel. She talks about why so many women have difficulty having an orgasm: they hold their breath when they feel it coming. Any strong emotion makes people hold their breath; we all instinctively do this when we are frightened or greatly surprised. Some women have a subconscious orgasmophobia—expressed by the not-so-unusual statement, "It's a bit like you're dying!" They associate orgasmic agony with what they think must be like death throes, and this creates an agitation that causes them to hold their breath.

Balanced breathing can do wonders for keeping a person in a state of calm. In principle, when talking about orgasm, you can compare it with breathing, because a person cannot stop the need to breathe. Taking a deep breath of air, and then very quickly freeing the lungs from it, while accompanying this process with a sound characteristic of the peak of pleasure, one can try to conclude that this is an orgasm. Orgasmic cramps are something very difficult for men to understand, as is the fact that a certain circle of women have a need for orgasms in order to reduce menstrual cramps. The first day of the menstrual period can be characterized by particularly strong menstrual cramps, and encourage a woman to masturbate, often even those who do not allow themselves to do so at other times. Strong sex, probably will never be able to understand and accept the fact that a woman is able to experience the highest level of pleasure while experiencing hellish pain. Of course, this has nothing to do with masochism, because the increased sexual susceptibility of women shortly before or during critical days is a well-known fact. Stronger spasms accordingly focus more of the woman's attention on the pelvic area. What are spasms, and they are systematically aching-throbbing pain, which makes a woman feel as if her heart was down there. At this moment, there is a merging of two damn strong feelings. This explains the fact why many women reach orgasms during cramps, when it is impossible to achieve them under normal conditions. that a woman is able to experience the highest level of pleasure while experiencing hellish pain. Of course, this has nothing to do with masochism, because the increased sexual susceptibility of women shortly before or during critical days is a well-known fact. Stronger spasms accordingly focus more of the woman's attention on the pelvic area. What are spasms, and they are systematically aching-throbbing pain, which makes a woman feel as if her heart was down there. At this moment, there is a merging of two damn strong feelings. This explains the fact why many women reach orgasms during cramps, when it is impossible to achieve them under normal conditions. that a woman is able to experience the highest level of pleasure while experiencing hellish pain. Of course, this has nothing to do with masochism, because the increased sexual susceptibility of women shortly before or during critical days is a well-known fact. Stronger spasms accordingly focus more of the woman's attention on the pelvic area. What are spasms, and they are systematically aching-throbbing pain, which makes a woman feel as if her heart was down there. At this moment, there is a merging of two damn strong feelings. This explains the fact why many women reach orgasms during cramps, when it is impossible to achieve them under normal conditions. after all, the increased sexual susceptibility of women shortly before or during critical days is a well-known fact. Stronger spasms accordingly focus more of the woman's attention on the pelvic area. What are spasms, and they are systematically aching-throbbing pain, which makes a woman feel as if her heart was down there. At this moment, there is a merging of two damn strong feelings. This explains the fact why many women reach orgasms during cramps, when it is impossible to achieve them under normal conditions. after all, the increased sexual susceptibility of women shortly before or during critical days is a well-known fact. Stronger spasms accordingly focus more of the woman's attention on the pelvic area. What are spasms, and they are systematically aching-throbbing pain, which makes a woman feel as if her heart was down there. At this moment, there is a merging of two damn strong feelings. This explains the fact why many women reach orgasms during cramps, when it is impossible to achieve them under normal conditions. At this moment, there is a merging of two damn strong feelings. This explains the fact why many women reach orgasms during cramps, when it is impossible to achieve them under normal conditions. At this moment, there is a merging of two damn strong feelings. This explains the fact why many women reach orgasms during cramps, when it is impossible to achieve them under normal conditions.

Some males masturbate their women during their menstrual cramps, for which they are well-deservedly rewarded a few days later. And for this you need quite a bit, just caress the clitoris with a wet finger to the bitter end.

A little about imitation.

Most women, feminists in particular, talk about the inadmissibility of this phenomenon, but agreeing to this 100% would be an erroneous opinion, since it is worth recognizing that most women, one way or another, sooner or later, pretend. Undoubtedly, pretending is much better than resorting to voicing such a phrase: “don't pay attention, continue!", which can kill an erection in most men in a matter of seconds, and with it the attitude towards a woman as a whole. Therefore, in a situation where you are going to mislead your partner, it is worth remembering some simple, but very important points, for example, that you cannot smile, because a true orgasm is accompanied by convulsions, so laughter can only occur in a person with a pathology.HOW TO ACHIEVE AN ORGASMOn the contrary, at such a moment you need to strain the corresponding muscles, bend your back, play with facial expressions. You also need to remember that sounds like “yes-yes”, “more-more”, etc. are most likely inherent in porn films and porn stories, because the ending partner is absolutely not capable of such monologues, since he is experiencing much more sublime peaks of physiological pleasures. They block for some time the ability to mental activity, concentrating the attention of the whole organism on getting the most beautiful vivid sensations from orgasm.

Consider a situation in which the partner did not have an orgasm and did not even try to imitate it. Men in such situations have a great desire to help a woman correct the situation. It is logical to note that in the current situation, in most cases, a finger comes to replace the limp member. But here you need to act very quickly, as soon as the penis comes out of the woman, insert at least two fingers there, not forgetting to rotate your thumb in the clitoris. Moisten the thumb of the other hand, and then gently insert it into the anus, alternately make penetrating movements several times, inserting your fingers into the vagina and anus at the same time, close them and gently massage, while the tongue starts caressing the clitoris. The bright end will not be long in coming.

It happens that a man cannot achieve orgasm. This doesn't happen often, but it does happen.

Anorgasmia (inability to cum) can occur in a man if he is overworked or experiencing psychological discomfort. In most cases, this condition is not related to a particular woman. If a man is constantly unable to experience an orgasm, then this is already a medical problem called priapism (the name comes from the Greek god Priapus, who had a constant erection). This extreme situation is rare, but it does happen. 
Orgasm in men can be different, but it is still accompanied by convulsions to varying degrees. Some experts claim that 20% of men experience mild orgasms and throw out about a drop of sperm. At the same time, 45% of men tighten their body, and convulsions cover the legs or arms or mouth … 17% of the stronger sex have a very strong orgasm during which they bulge their eyes and spew a lot of sperm. And only 5% of men during an orgasm completely cease to own emotions, falling into hysterics, start talking or crying (laughing). In general, there are many ways for men to experience orgasm. Some may feel very strong trembling all over the body, convulsions, weakness. Many feel pain if, after the eruption, movements continue or simply touches the penis.

Perhaps now you are asking yourself the question, what type of male orgasm is better?

You shouldn't worry about this. Any orgasm is beautiful and individual. If you are a woman, then remember that you should not immediately run to the bathroom after intercourse. If you don't like being sticky or afraid to stain your bed, bring a towel with you. To wipe off or put under yourself. Do not think that only women love attention after sex, men also want to be caressed.

Most importantly, learn to understand the desires of your partner and then your sex life will be just wonderful. If you bring pleasure to your soul mate, in the way she wants it, in turn, you will not be left without attention either.

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