The question of whether it is bad to live without sex remains unanswered. More precisely, each person has his own vision of this answer. For example, in most religions, sex before marriage was strictly condemned. A thirty-year-old virgin for a priest is an example of a woman who resisted sin. But not for psychologists, gynecologists and sexologists. Indeed, for specialists, such a lady is a patient with a bunch of psychological and physiological problems. So is a long absence of sex harmful, is it necessary to engage in it regularly and what to do if you have not found a permanent partner?
Lack of sex in women
Experts say that sex is useful for a woman for many reasons. Due to his long absence, the lady may experience psychological disorders. Especially if she has a tendency to neurotic reactions. Due to abstinence, increased nervousness, self-doubt, depression can occur. With regular sex:
• the hormonal background improves;
• tension is relieved;
• mood improves;
• thinking is activated (due to the production of the hormone cortisone).
In this case, the lack of sex can lead to the opposite effect. It is worth noting that in women with reduced libido, that is, those who do not want sex, its absence is less harmful. But for women with a high level of sexual desire, the lack of sex can bring more problems.
The physiological significance of sex is also important. Sexual intercourse is a catalyst for a biochemical process in the body, like a potent drug. Improves blood circulation, heart function, lowers cholesterol levels. At the same time, it kills calories, helping women lose weight.
What to do if there was no sex for a long time?
With all the importance of sex, women should not start a relationship just for the sake of intimacy. Promiscuous sex life can result in even more serious consequences – sexually transmitted diseases, unrequited love or unwanted pregnancy. But it's worth thinking about a permanent partner. A woman should think about new relationships, pay attention to non-men who are nearby, turn on a beacon for the representatives of the stronger half. You should try to find a man not only to satisfy instincts, but also for tenderness, caresses, pleasure and love.