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Recently, there has been an increasing interest in problems in sexual life, so the task of modern medicine is the timely and complete diagnosis and understanding of the sexual problems of each of the partners and the couple as a whole, as well as their consultation and treatment. This article will focus on female sexuality and violations of their sexual life.
Experts identify three aspects of women's sexual health: sexual identity, sexual function, and sexual relationships. Women's sexuality can change depending on the biological cycle, specific situation and relationship with a partner. With age, violations of sexuality among women are increasing.

There are several causes of sexual dysfunction in women. Disorder of sexual interest (desire) – characterized by the absence or decrease in sexual desire (alibidemia).
What can cause this disorder? TALK ABOUT IT
A decrease in sexual desire in women can be caused by a number of reasons. First of all, a lot depends on the age of the woman. Since the first sexual intercourse for a girl is almost always painful, sexual desire may disappear after it due to fear of experiencing pain again.
Gynecological problems, a decrease in the level of hormones in a woman's body, and there may be psychological reasons can lead to a decrease in sexual desire. To determine what exactly caused the decrease in attraction, you need to be comprehensively examined and contact a specialist who will help you find a specific cause.
 Does this apply to women of all age categories, or does each age have its own specific reasons for the decrease in sexual desire?
The fact is that the peak of female sexuality occurs somewhere in the age of thirty. Before this age, in many girls/women, sexuality is just beginning to wake up, and there is no special need for sexual satisfaction. Although not for everyone, everything here is strictly individual. In menopause, a woman's attraction to the opposite sex also decreases. But, if a woman at the very peak of sexuality loses interest and, simply speaking, the desire to have sex disappears, then a problem has arisen. It can be both physiological and psychological.
 What is the first thing a woman should do in this case?
First you need to go to the gynecologist, and also check the level of hormones in the body, which plays an important role. If there are no physiological problems, you should visit a psychologist, since the reason for the decrease in sexual desire may be psychological. Unfortunately, for some reason, our people are embarrassed to contact a sex therapist or a psychologist in order to find the causes of their problems. There is no need to be shy, there is nothing to worry about. On the contrary, a specialist will help pay attention to those aspects of sexual life and health that we often do not pay any attention to.
The next disorder is aversion to sexual life, i.e. complete rejection and aversion to any attempt at sexual contact.
 This type of sexual disorder is similar to the previous one, what is the difference?
Yes, it is similar, but it manifests itself in a deeper form and can be caused by similar reasons. An example has already been given of the first sexual contact, which was unsuccessful and very painful for the girl. There is more of a psychological aspect here, and much depends on the nature of the girl herself. For one, an unsuccessful start to sexual life can only cause a decrease in desire, for another – a complete rejection of sex. I repeat, everything here is individual and depends on the personal qualities, character and health of the girl / woman.
It happens that there is a rejection of sex in a woman with a particular man, although everything may be fine with another. Family relations and home atmosphere play a significant role. If there is disharmony in relations between partners or for any reason a man is unpleasant to a woman, naturally, sexual attraction to him also disappears. In this case, you need to analyze a specific couple, and not separately partners, because different couples can have completely different sexual problems, and one cannot advise everyone on one thing. What works for one couple may not work for another. In principle, the sexual sphere in medicine is the only sphere in which two people participate. If one of the partners has a problem, it cannot but affect the second. And if people go to other doctors one by one,
There is also such a type of sexual disorder in women as anorgasmia. This is a violation of orgasm, its absence during sexual life or the erasure of sensations with any method of sexual stimulation.
 In connection with what this disorder can arise and which of the women can “threat" anorgasmia?
As already mentioned, the peak of female sexuality occurs after thirty years. It happens that 17-18-year-old girls who are just starting to lead a sexual life come to an appointment and complain about the lack of orgasm. At that age, it's not a problem. Adult relationships are just beginning, people get used to each other, get used to each other, learn the character traits and physiology of their partner. If there is a harmonious and trusting relationship in a couple, then over time, sexual life becomes regular, and with it comes the fullness of sensations. And it happens that some women begin to experience an orgasm only after childbirth. In the menopause, when there is a decline in hormones, there may also be problems with orgasm.
The cause of anorgasmia can also be a depressive state, when a woman has no desire to have sexual contact with her partner. At the same time, it is the absence of an orgasm that can cause depression in a woman. This problem is a double-edged sword. Therefore, if such a situation arises, you need to contact a specialist, and the sooner the better. In this case, you can not delay, it's like a snowball – the further, the worse.
 Can any other diseases occur against the background of anorgasmia in depressive states?
If a woman does not get an orgasm, stagnation occurs in the pelvic organs, in the organs of the woman's reproductive system, which leads to inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system. But this is not only a problem for women, the husband / partner may have erectile dysfunction or rapid ejaculation, which does not allow a woman to get the fullness of sensations and she does not have time to experience an orgasm. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the duration of the preliminary, as well as final caresses, this is very important. Very often a woman gets an orgasm not during sexual intercourse, namely during the final caresses.
Although here, too, each couple is different, and much depends on the temperament of the woman. For one, the presence or absence of an orgasm does not matter much, while for the other, anorgasmia can result in depression and gynecological diseases.
It happens that a woman experiences pain during sex, which leads to both discomfort and the impossibility of a normal sexual intercourse. What can cause pain?
The arising constant or coming pain when trying or having sexual intercourse is called dyspareunia, and involuntary convulsive contraction of the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor, which occurs under the influence of fear of sexual intercourse or gynecological examination – vaginismus. These two concepts are very similar, but there are differences. If with dyspareunia there are pain sensations that complicate the process of sexual intercourse, but it is still possible, then with vaginismus it is not. With this disorder, it is impossible even to conduct a gynecological examination due to painful sensations. There are many reasons for these disorders. These are inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, the so-called pelvic pain syndrome, etc. Vaginismus often occurs against the background of psychological trauma suffered during the first sexual contact and unsuccessful defloration. After that, during subsequent sexual contact, an involuntary contraction of the muscles of the perineum and vagina occurs, which makes sexual intercourse impossible. With such a problem, you should definitely go to the doctor. You can't wait for everything to go away on its own — it won’t.
 Which doctor should you go to in the first place – a sexologist or a gynecologist? After all the problem can be gynecologic character?
As already mentioned, pain can occur due to inflammation of the female genital organs. Therefore, with such a problem, first of all, you need to go to a gynecologist.
Similar phenomena can also occur due to a woman’s endocrine system disorder, hormonal imbalance, so you also need to visit an endocrinologist.
Factors contributing to the development of sexual disorders are diverse. As mentioned above, they can be gynecological diseases, diseases of the urinary system, including sexually transmitted diseases, changes in the amount of sex hormones, as well as diseases of the endocrine system. In addition, the cause of sexual disorders can be diseases of the cardiovascular, neurological systems and changes in the mental status of a woman. Psychological factors can lead to violations in sexual life – the loss of love feelings for a partner, a decrease in the attractiveness of a partner, discord in family relations, etc.
 What should be done in the first place and how to behave in case of a sexual problem in the family?TALK ABOUT IT
If there is any problem in the sexual relations of partners, first of all, you need to tell each other about it. People who live together, build their relationships and life – these are the closest people. There is no need to be shy about such conversations, but on the contrary, to say what someone likes, what is suitable, or vice versa, causes rejection. Very often, it is omissions in a married couple that can cause sexual disorders. And the key to success in diagnosing and prescribing the right treatment is the joint work of several specialists with the possibility of involving a sexologist, sexologist, gynecologist, urologist, psychologist, psychiatrist, endocrinologist, neurologist, dermatovenereologist and physiotherapist.

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