What are the responsibilities of a club administrator?
In every nightclub, there is always a position of an administrator, and it seems that his job is to meet guests and seat them at tables, to make sure that everyone is comfortable. But the duties of an administrator do not end there.
The administrator of the club is, first of all, the manager or otherwise the person of this institution, who is fully responsible for the leisure and entertainment program. The functions of an administrator should not be confused with the duties of a promoter, they are much broader.
The competence of administration includes three main areas – premises, employees and visitors. The administrator must first of all exercise complete control over the design of the premises, monitor the condition, update and place advertising on the building and inside the club. The administrator must control the order and cleanliness in the entertainment area, as well as in the surrounding area.
Under the supervision of the administrator are the club's employees – waiters, cooks, cashiers, bartenders, cleaners and office managers, as well as a security service. The administrator is simply obliged to fully control the observance by the listed employees of production and labor discipline, labor protection norms and rules, hygiene and industrial sanitation requirements (for example, the hair that got into the food or dirty hands of the cook will be on the conscience of the administrator). The administrative worker is responsible for ensuring direct control over the preservation of material assets.
The administrator must politely meet the guests, escort them to a free table (or entrust this matter to the waiter if the flow of guests is very large) and fully advise on the services provided by the club. If claims arise, the administrator is obliged to listen to them calmly and take measures to resolve the conflict as soon as possible. Even if this is already the tenth dissatisfied client for the evening, you can't get angry or scream, all problems are solved with a smile. Report to the higher management about the difficulties that have arisen, offer your own ways to solve problematic and controversial issues. The administrator must be aware of all the events that take place in the club establishment.
The administrator must be aware of legal issues and, in the event of a problem, be ready to replace one of the employees. Knowledge in jurisprudence can be divided into knowledge of regulatory and legal documents (federal laws, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, internal labor regulations, job descriptions of employees, as well as a list of services provided by the club).
What if the purpose of the relationship is something unconditional for which both the man and the woman could take responsibility? What if this is… the practice of love? Love is what is within us; something for which we are responsible in both good and bad times. Love allows us to focus on our own efforts and responsibilities, as well as to notice the advantages of our partner. Too many people focus on taking something from the relationship. But, for a harmonious relationship, you need to give, take responsibility for your happiness, and then “invest" it in others.