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• Sadism

The concept of "sadism" owes its birth to the name of the Marquis Donatien-Alphonse-Francois de Sade. The life of the Marquis was stormy: in 1772 he was imprisoned on charges of debauchery, but he was in no hurry to improve. The Great French Revolution freed him, and he took advantage of this opportunity to publish his vision of the world: he published the novels Justine, New Justine and Philosophy in the Boudoir, written in prison. Those who wish can take a look at their pages and find that the descriptions of violence against women with the use of sophisticated bullying and torment clearly gave the author pleasure (covered, however, with hypocritical condemnation: you see, they say, what bad people are doing!). Napoleon did not like debauchery, and the books were confiscated in 1801, and the Marquis himself was kept in a psychiatric hospital from 1803, having managed, however,

Today, sadism has been well studied many times artistically (and not very) described and filmed in films, has found many fans and is even subdivided into three forms. First form. The love game of a sadist looks like a cascade of blows, bites, scratching a partner to the point of blood and a stream of insults. All this successfully replaces the sadist's love foreplay; the partner is required as much fear and indignation as possible. Second form. An atrocity manifested during sexual intercourse. During sexual intercourse, the partner is forced to perform those actions that are unpleasant to him or cause pain. The sadist gets pleasure only by forcing the partner to obey and properly, humiliating him. Third form. Violence as a way of life and style in love. Instead of showing affection, the sadist prefers to humiliate and insult the partner and go out of his way to show him his disdain. This way of loving is usually used by people with a pronounced inferiority complex, who are more than anything afraid that someone will find out about their complexes. In ordinary life, sadism rarely takes complete forms, being expressed more often in a kind of game that only sometimes goes beyond the boundaries of a “joke". Some elements of this game (provided that this is really just a game, and not a manifestation of a subconscious desire to humiliate and torment a partner) can bring considerable sharpness to the love games of two people who understand each other. However, this requires good mutual understanding, a sense of humor and similar tastes in sex. If you have all this, and you decide to try some dangerous game with the use of handcuffs and a whip, agree in advance on a sign at which this game will immediately stop. more than anything, they are afraid that someone will find out about their complexes. In ordinary life, sadism rarely takes complete forms, being expressed more often in a kind of game that only sometimes goes beyond the boundaries of a “joke”. Some elements of this game (provided that this is really just a game, and not a manifestation of a subconscious desire to humiliate and torment a partner) can bring considerable sharpness to the love games of two people who understand each other. However, this requires good mutual understanding, a sense of humor and similar tastes in sex. If you have all this, and you decide to try some dangerous game with the use of handcuffs and a whip, agree in advance on a sign at which this game will immediately stop. more than anything, they are afraid that someone will find out about their complexes. In ordinary life, sadism rarely takes complete forms, being expressed more often in a kind of game that only sometimes goes beyond the boundaries of a “joke”. Some elements of this game (provided that this is really just a game, and not a manifestation of a subconscious desire to humiliate and torment a partner) can bring considerable sharpness to the love games of two people who understand each other. However, this requires good mutual understanding, a sense of humor and similar tastes in sex. If you have all this, and you decide to try some dangerous game with the use of handcuffs and a whip, agree in advance on a sign at which this game will immediately stop. expressed more often in a kind of game, which only sometimes crosses the boundaries of a “joke”. Some elements of this game (provided that this is really just a game, and not a manifestation of a subconscious desire to humiliate and torment a partner) can bring considerable sharpness to the love games of two people who understand each other. However, this requires good mutual understanding, a sense of humor and similar tastes in sex. If you have all this, and you decide to try some dangerous game with the use of handcuffs and a whip, agree in advance on a sign at which this game will immediately stop. expressed more often in a kind of game, which only sometimes crosses the boundaries of a “joke”. Some elements of this game (provided that this is really just a game, and not a manifestation of a subconscious desire to humiliate and torment a partner) can bring considerable sharpness to the love games of two people who understand each other. However, this requires good mutual understanding, a sense of humor and similar tastes in sex. If you have all this, and you decide to try some dangerous game with the use of handcuffs and a whip, agree in advance on a sign at which this game will immediately stop. and not a manifestation of a subconscious desire to humiliate and torment a partner) can bring considerable sharpness to the love games of two people who understand each other. However, this requires good mutual understanding, a sense of humor and similar tastes in sex. If you have all this, and you decide to try some dangerous game with the use of handcuffs and a whip, agree in advance on a sign at which this game will immediately stop. and not a manifestation of a subconscious desire to humiliate and torment a partner) can bring considerable sharpness to the love games of two people who understand each other. However, this requires good mutual understanding, a sense of humor and similar tastes in sex. If you have all this, and you decide to try some dangerous game with the use of handcuffs and a whip, agree in advance on a sign at which this game will immediately stop.

• Sappho

Sappho or Sappho, as this Greek poetess is often called, was born in the 7th century BC. Her image is covered with legends, among which there are romantic legends and vulgar anecdotes. Our age has so firmly associated her name with lesbian love that even the very root of the word "lesbian"

turned out to be formed from the name of the island of Lesbos – her homeland. Sappho really loved women, namely her unmarried girlfriends. But this does not say everything. In the city of Mytilini on Lesvos, where she spent most of her life, Sappho gathered around her a circle of noble girls, whom she taught dance, music and, of course, versification. When friends got married and left the circle, Sappho created wedding songs for each of them – epithalams. Her poems filled with passion and tenderness addressed to these girls have come down to us. Everyone understands to the extent of their depravity. The time will come when these verses will turn into a kind of accusatory document, with the help of which numerous clever men will undertake to prove that Sappho was the first lesbian of the Earth. Whether this is true, we will never know, because every woman is probably can recall some friend or even a school teacher, with whom she was once chaste, but truly “in love” and experienced the same feelings that a woman experiences in a relationship with a man: longing in separation, jealousy, excitement at a meeting … We know that Sappho had a daughter, Cleida (poems dedicated to her are also preserved, but few people know them, unlike the “lesbian” cycle), and with another legendary poet from Lesbos, Phaon, she was connected by romantic correspondence in verse. Sappho wrote in the Aeolian dialect, most of her poems were intended to be sung with the lyre. She entered the history of world literature not only as the first and for many centuries the only female poet, but also as the author of poems rare in expressiveness and strength of feeling, subtly conveying the nuances of human feelings and the life of the surrounding nature. In ancient times

"Golden-haired Sappho" was called the tenth muse; Horace and Catullus were among her imitators. A Sapphic stanza is named after Sappho.

• Free love

Already in the decent nineteenth century, young people who loved each other sometimes preferred

live together, bypassing the church wedding ceremony. From the traditional extramarital alliances of an earlier time, these unions were distinguished by the fact that the man saw in his mistress not a contemptible kept woman, but a beloved and respected girlfriend. Of course, most of these odious couples for that time belonged to the bohemian environment and were condemned by respectable bourgeois. However, already at the beginning of the 20th century, long-term love of unmarried couples became something quite familiar not only on the pages of French novels. This movement had not only practitioners, but also ideologists. They believed that abandoning the institution of marriage would put an end to unhappy marriages of convenience, divorce, and prostitution, and, it must be said, they were right in many ways. However, the real ideas of our revolutionaries (at least in the field of sex) were understood and shared by their grandchildren. In the 60s, sex without restrictions was as much an attribute of freedom as jeans and rock and roll. The slogan of the progressive youth proudly proclaimed that "whoever sleeps with the same one, the establishment sits in that one." It was the "golden age" of free love – the era is somewhat naive and stupid, but somehow still sweet.

• Gray hair in a beard …

Men are willingly forgiven what is not allowed to a woman. A man can have wrinkles, gray hair and even a knee-deep head – why not, if it looks as stylish as Yul Brynner's? At the same time, there are a lot of men who, until their death, do not grow old even in soul (in body, they can grow old in a long life, but they try hard not to notice this). In the fight against youth, they present their experience and ability to appreciate and protect a woman in a way that no one else does in our time. It doesn't cost them anything to hit on a daughter or granddaughter of the same age – and, by the way, sometimes meet reciprocity. It is known, for example, that Tyutchev's long-term lover was a classmate of his daughter, and many can recall more modern examples of such alliances.

• Phone sex

Phone sex service – this kind of audio version of striptease – appeared in our world quite recently, which, I must say, is very strange, since the voice can excite much more than pictures. Another thing is also strange: the fact that almost all employees of the glorious service are women, while it is mostly they who love with their ears. But men often use this service for other purposes, taking advantage of the fact that a minute of a “passionate” conversation costs a lot of money (as a rule, the offices of companies providing such services are for some reason located in very distant countries). This provides an opportunity to take revenge on a person, from whose apartment you can, in his absence, call "sex on the phone" and put the phone on the table for a couple of hours. Why is the receiver placed on the table, and not pressed reverently to the ear? But here there is nothing strange anymore.

• Seduction

Treatises can be devoted to the art of seduction, which has been done in the world more than once. The authors of these treatises proceeded from a firm and unshakable conviction that any woman can be seduced – you just need to know the approach and try. The holy confidence of the professionals of the "gentle science" today causes a smile – partly condescending, partly nostalgic: now no one treats the art of love and seduction with the seriousness with which the aristocrats of the gallant age approached the matter of "love battles". They could spend their whole lives occupied with the theory and practice of seduction, as did, for example, the heroes of Choderlos de Laclos's immoral and subtle novel Dangerous Liaisons.

Well, we will not write treatises and confine ourselves to the following information: the most original and at the same time the most primitive way to seduce a woman was not so long ago used in the German city of Koblenz, whose resident made his way into the bedroom of his friend's wife and took possession of her in the dark. The woman is said to have recognized the scam only at dawn. The resourceful "comrade" was sentenced to eight months in prison. True, it is hard to believe in the “deceived” version.

• Spinster

At a time when a woman was born to become a wife and mother, there was no more shameful title for her. Women of easy virtue enjoyed, at least, though dubious, but success. The old maid seemed to be branded with a burnt-out inscription “Nobody needs me”. Fortunately, today this concept no longer exists – primarily because it is not at all necessary to get married in order to love and be loved, partly due to the huge number of women who consciously prefer to lead an independent life, pursue a career and occasionally meet with men. However, millions of women, suffering from the consciousness of their protracted lack of demand, exist today just as they did centuries ago. Not all of them can be attributed to the classic type of old maid. Many women who remain unmarried they cannot cross over the memories of a deceased loved one or of an old unhappy love. The lives of others are broken by the rape they once became a victim of. Violence in a broken marriage or the memory of painful defloration can have a similar effect on the female psyche. Often, girls are in no hurry to get married simply because they need not men, but women; hiding this, they prefer to live alone. However, most often the reason for the protracted female loneliness is much simpler and more familiar: the principle of “endure – fall in love” somehow does not inspire, and there is a clear shortage of princes in the vicinity … Often, girls are in no hurry to get married simply because they need not men, but women; hiding this, they prefer to live alone. However, most often the reason for the protracted female loneliness is much simpler and more familiar: the principle of “endure – fall in love” somehow does not inspire, and there is a clear shortage of princes in the vicinity … Often, girls are in no hurry to get married simply because they need not men, but women; hiding this, they prefer to live alone. However, most often the reason for the protracted female loneliness is much simpler and more familiar: the principle of “endure – fall in love” somehow does not inspire, and there is a clear shortage of princes in the vicinity …

• Striptease

Until the 20th century, striptease was a spicy condiment that only occasionally appeared on the “menu” of past male entertainment. However, it was by no means invented by the owners of the first strip bar. Because striptease is as old as clothing itself. The closer to our days, the more depraved were the dances at the courts of kings, during which young ladies-in-waiting and dozens of courtesans with laughter lost their outfits. Over time, the naive Renaissance, when any feast at the papal court easily flowed into an orgy with a striptease, became a thing of the past, and with it dances without clothes went illegal. They remained a delicacy for the elite – but the latter could even see Lady Hamilton undressing (according to rumors, there was such a milestone on her way to high society). In that ennobled era, few believed that that the striptease of young hetairas more than once became the final pas of their dances in ancient times, and that even in the Middle Ages, crowds of people could freely contemplate the dances of lovely sinners dressed in Eve's costumes. Indeed, half-dressed women danced in the processions of medieval fanatics and, exactly following the role, were naked before the crowd at the performances of religious mysteries. True, this was not a striptease in the classical sense of the word: most often, medieval dancers were exposed not gradually, teasing the audience, but sharply and decisively, even with some kind of challenge. In fact, it was not customary to frankly demonstrate the process of undressing (exceptions, of course, happened, but it was already frank amateur performance, the stage for which was a tavern, and the participants were a cheerful drunken company led by a girl of easy virtue). The more serious dancers of the past tended to avoid flirting with the audience. The course of thought at the same time looked something like this: they say, I don’t undress for you, but this is how I see myself in this world. It's funny that many centuries later Mata Hari adopted a similar ideology: striptease as an inspired throwing off one piece of clothing after another was an integral part of her performances, which she presented as ritual dances of Indian priestesses. Mata Hari's performances were a huge success. The future spy, real or imaginary, at least, could not be denied quick wit: her dances did not repel even the most respectable Parisians who valued their reputation – the performances were devoted to acquaintance with the culture of the mysterious East! How not to look, especially since the performer was so pretty, mysterious and almost completely undressed. Interestingly, another famous dancer of the same era – Isadora Duncan – also did not hesitate to dance bare-chested. However, in relation to Isadora, it is somehow even embarrassing to talk about striptease: for her, naked breasts were the same symbol of simplicity and truth as bare feet. Today, striptease is no longer a rare spice – if desired, it can become a main course. Performances of strippers are sometimes even included in the show program of ordinary youth discos. It is not surprising that many, having satisfied the initial curiosity, quickly became satiated and began to treat striptease either with absolute indifference or with disgust. However, the latter case is quite “curable”: you only need to see the performances of the Parisian cabaret “Crazy Horse” once, where, as experts assure, dancing the best girls in Paris. The fact is that the striptease from the Parisian "mad horses" is very beautiful, elegant and talented.

• Marital obligations

From ancient times, the sexual intimacy of spouses was not only their right, but also their duty; however, as a rule, only the wishes of the husband were taken into account. Today, husband and wife are equal in this respect. Groundless, despite the insistence of one of the spouses, refusal to have sex can become the same grounds for divorce as impotence due to alcoholism, venereal diseases acquired on the side, and suppression of old or newly acquired homosexual inclinations.

Interestingly, for women, the refusal to perform marital duties often became and remains an effective means of influencing a slow-witted spouse. In the comedy of the ancient Greek comedian Aristophanes “Lysistratus”, all Athenian women announced a marital strike to their husbands at once, who opposed the military plans of their stupid men. As you know, women then achieved success.

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