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The value of speech culture in professional activities


The culture of speech is a complex multifaceted concept, which in our view is inextricably linked with education and professionalism. What is the culture of speech? How closely is it related to professional activities? These questions will be answered in this essay.

A culture of speech

The phrase “culture of speech", which has become stable in recent years, actually means a wide range of knowledge about the native language and the ability to apply it in everyday speech. In higher institutions, in the curricula, you can often find a subject called "speech culture". As a rule, in the course of the culture of speech, students consider the issues of correct pronunciation, the use of certain little-known (usually borrowed) words, as well as idioms of their native language. In addition, special attention is paid to such rather complex issues as the declension of numerals and others.

However, this understanding of the culture of speech does not exhaust the content of this concept. Most often it is used, of course, not in the sense of some training course, but as part of a person's general culture. About a person who speaks fluently and fluently, does not make mistakes, has an extensive vocabulary and actively uses it, they say that he owns the culture of speech.

In addition, ideas about the culture of the individual, whatever aspect of it is taken, are associated with ideas about good upbringing, about politeness, in a word, about decent behavior in society. Thus, it can be said that in the broadest sense, the culture of speech, as understood by the majority, consists of the above aspects: a high level of proficiency in the native language, the ability to conduct a conversation, polite speech and a wide vocabulary.

How does the culture of speech come into contact with the professional sphere of human activity?

The value of speech culture in professional activities

Speech is the main form of communication known to man. This axiom suggests that the culture of speech is a certain quality of this communication. In addition, the culture of speech can serve as a means of achieving professional goals, be the object of study and the goal of speech activity.

To begin with, let's turn to a profession for which the culture of speech plays a decisive role in many respects – this is the profession of a teacher. It is at school that a person learns to correctly express his thoughts in a coherent monologue speech, and without a proper example – an adult who is fluent in this skill – the development of speech and, as a result, thinking becomes much more difficult.

If we abstract from a specific profession and take a more general look at the problem, we will see that the culture of speech is an important component of professional competence for any person employed in the service sector and forced to deal with people acting as his clients. Here, speech often acts as a means of forming a positive impression about an employee of a particular company and, as a result, about the enterprise as a whole. The ability of an employee to present himself, to clearly formulate the answer to a question of interest to the client, to explain difficult points always leaves a pleasant trace in the memory.

Also important are the general associations that most people have with literate speech. As a rule, a high level of speech culture is associated with upbringing, education and a rich inner world, as well as with high professionalism and utmost attention to one's work. Thus, paying attention to your speech is in the interests of any worker in the service sector who wants to achieve success in their chosen field.

Speech culture as a "quality" of communication between people

The value of speech culture in professional activities

Finally, the culture of speech helps us simply not to get into trouble in a number of cases. Let us turn to the culture of speech as the "quality" of communication between people. The modern Russian language is filled with borrowed words, and if the words "trousers", "ideal", "civilization", "algebra" have long and firmly entered everyday life and are perceived by us as primordially Russian, then with neologisms that came into the language with the formation of a market economy problems often arise. "Manager", "tolerance", "briefing", "marketing", "monitoring" – the list goes on. These words have become widely used in everyday speech in the last decade, some of them are still being mastered by the population. The paradox is that, using these words every day, we do not always know their exact meaning, and this can lead to misunderstanding.

By making speech errors in a conversation with an educated client, service sellers risk losing customers. Very often we confuse words that are similar in sound, but fundamentally different in meaning – an example is the adjectives "spectacular" and "effective". One-root, besides borrowed, they are not always used correctly. Nevertheless, “spectacular” is a characteristic of the external properties of an object, and “effective” is internal, meaningful, and confusing these two words in speech means making a gross mistake. So a reservation, noticeable to the client, can turn into an unconscious distortion of information.

Such errors, which are noticeable to the majority, include the incorrect placement of stress, the incorrect use of verbal parts of speech, such as participles and participles, but this applies mainly to written speech, since in the process of direct oral communication, we, as a rule, avoid isolated constructions, such as, as participial and participle turnovers.

A much more common mistake is the incorrect declension of numbers. Case declension of numbers such as "seven hundred and forty eight", for example, causes problems for many, and this is not a consequence of the flaws in the educational system, but of general illiteracy and the habit of not paying attention to such nuances. Clients are less likely to pay attention to errors related to coordinating the case of numerals, but those who do not have problems with these issues may be unpleasantly surprised by someone else's ignorance.

Thus, it is unacceptable to neglect the development of speech, especially for those for whom communication with people is part of their professional activity. Proficiency in the native language at a high level is a self-evident feature of native speakers, and the sadder is the increase in illiteracy and the problems associated with the formation of vocabulary and its use. The culture of speech is not just a means of professional activity or competence; it is part of the general culture of an educated person, and many people strive to master it one way or another.
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