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Time management: how to do everything


There is an opinion that either everything is fine with you at home, and at work you are under the threat of being fired, or at work everything is going well, but at home your husband is going to file for divorce … Is it possible to combine these seemingly incompatible things? Yes! You just need to learn how to properly manage your time and follow certain tips.

Priority tasks for the day

An excellent solution would be to set certain tasks. Perhaps you are not a fan of planning, but in the event that there is a desire to be in time for everything, you will have to get used to it. To begin with, it is worth setting from 2 to 5 tasks per day. During this time, you will devote all your main attention to precisely these tasks, and if there is an opportunity to do something else, then you are just great!

This useful habit will allow you not only to avoid blockages at work, but also to correct your household chores, which will no longer be neglected.

Special exercises

Don't underestimate exercise throughout the day. If you sit all day without leaving the office in your chair, you will not achieve much. The body will be exhausted, there will be a catastrophic lack of oxygen in the brain. During the day, try, at least be 30 minutes to set aside for ordinary gymnastics. It will help you think clearly and creatively, as well as significantly improve your memory.

Everything has its time

It is important to understand that working overtime causes irreparable harm to your relationships with loved ones. It's not easy at times, especially if you've gotten into the habit of staying late at the office, but you just need to start making the effort and change. The understanding that everything planned must be done during business hours can only come with time. However, instead of fulfilling duties, you should not talk on the phone on personal topics, look through magazines and surf the Internet. Your diligence during working hours will more than pay off with the fact that you will go home on time, and your husband will not have reasons for jealousy.

Time management: how to do everything

I remember that one of the great people said that the best and most productive rest would be a change of occupation. It is this change that can restore strength and avoid the so-called "professional burnout".

With or without rules

You should more often use the rule derived by the famous Pareto. Recall that it says that it is enough to make an effort of 20% in order to get a result of 80% at the output.

This means that in order to get a quick and high-quality result, you need to focus on the most important idea in the case. This may also be the most difficult part of the entire assignment. Thus, your forces will not be directed to accompanying problems and phenomena, which, perhaps, will be solved by themselves in the process of achieving the main goal.

Determine which of the tasks seems to be the most relevant and significant at a particular moment. That is what needs to be resolved in the near future. You should not try to do many things at the same time, because, according to psychologists, this significantly reduces labor productivity.

And finally, try not to “hang out" on the Internet, watching TV. This scourge of our age is capable of cutting down all your talents in the bud. Of course, we are talking about a long stay in the network, which can interfere with real communication or overload your brain with unnecessary information. Everything needs a measure! Such a simple advice will help carve out an hour for your beloved husband and children!
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