How to fill out a job briefing log
Caring for health, creating favorable working conditions in accordance with the requirements of Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is entrusted to the employer. Occupational safety is a whole range of measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of industrial injuries and occupational diseases of workers. One of the measures is to conduct on-the-job training.
The procedure for conducting briefings, training and testing knowledge at a particular enterprise should be regulated by the Regulations on labor protection. It must be approved by the head, agreed by the trade union. The form of the journal for registration of briefings at the workplace is an annex to the Regulations and must be the same for all departments of the enterprise.
The forms of the logs are kept by the security engineer or other employee who is assigned this duty by order. The employee responsible for conducting the briefing at the workplace (site foreman, shop or service head) receives a log from the OT engineer. It must be laced, numbered, certified by the seal of the enterprise and the signature of the head.
Due to the fact that several types of briefing are carried out at the workplace, it is permissible to divide the magazine into pages. For example:
p.1-10 – initial briefing;
pp.11-30 – internship;
pp.31-50 – re-briefing;
pp.51-65 – unscheduled briefing.
An entry in the log is made by the person who conducted the briefing. Entries must be in chronological order.
Each type of instruction has its own characteristics. When filling out the journal, questions arise, errors are made. This happens especially often when filling out column 5.
Primary briefing
It is carried out when applying for a job or transfer. As a rule, the employee gets acquainted with the “OT Instruction" for a specific profession or a summary of the initial briefing. These documents must be approved by the head, have a number and date of approval. Therefore, in the graph, you can simply make a link to them. Then a conclusion is made: the briefing is learned, the employee is admitted to work or to an internship. If he does not need an internship, a record “without an internship” is made. If necessary, the head of the internship is appointed (from among experienced workers with at least 3 years of work experience).
It is carried out immediately after the initial briefing, its duration is from 2 to 14 shifts (depending on the profession). An internship is a job for the purpose of acquiring the necessary, safe work skills. A record is made for each day of the internship, describing what the employee did during the shift. For example: getting to know the workplace, preparing the machine for work, cleaning the machine, drilling workpieces, turning, etc. On the last day, the conclusion is made: "the internship is mastered, admitted to the primary test of knowledge."
It is carried out at least once every six months (unless another period is specified in the OT Regulation). Since its purpose is to “refresh” the basic requirements of labor protection in the memory of the employee, the instructions are the same as during the initial briefing. Final record: "instruction learned, allowed to work."
Unscheduled briefing
It is carried out within 3 working days from the date of occurrence of the event that caused the need for it. Column 5 describes the reason (for example, the introduction of a new technological process, an accident with an employee, violation of labor protection rules, etc.) and a reference is made to the document.
Repeated and unscheduled briefings can be carried out in a list. If one of the employees is absent (illness, vacation), he is instructed after going to work, indicating the date. Breaking the chronology is not allowed.
After the magazine is filled, it is handed over to the labor protection engineer, who in turn transfers it to the archive. Shelf life – 3 years.
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