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How to fill out application forms for employment


Filling out the application form is one of the stages on the way to employment. The procedure is the entry by the applicant into a blank form of personal information and information about education and professional experience. This practice is used by most companies.

The questionnaire is a list of questions that a potential employee of the company is invited to answer. Their number, as well as the content, may be different depending on the wishes of the specialist involved in the selection of personnel. In some organizations, they are limited to a half-page questionnaire, in others, you will have to fill out several sheets.

For many recruiters, surveys are a way to get the most complete information about a candidate. The fact is that the resume is compiled in any form and the applicant has the right to include in it only the information that he considers necessary. Therefore, the employer has the right way to get the information he is interested in about the applicant – to invite him to fill out a questionnaire.

It is desirable that the answers to the questions are as complete and informative as possible. It is undesirable to skip points – this is regarded as disrespectful. Therefore, it is better to fill out the questionnaire in stages, and after completion, once again briefly look at the entries made in order to exclude omissions due to inattention.

The nuances of filling out individual items of the questionnaire

Full name always indicate in full. It is not necessary to describe in detail the answers to closed or alternative questions, since they do not imply a detailed narrative. But education, work experience and strengths should be stated as detailed as possible – these are the most important information for each recruiter. When filling out the questionnaire, think about the comfort of reading it: it is better to decipher all abbreviations.

Most job seekers intentionally skip items such as "Weaknesses", "Weaknesses", etc. And this is a big mistake that can literally decide the fate of the candidate. Naturally, it's not worth it to indulge in “serious" ones, and it’s better for the employer not to know about all your secret sins, but leaving this line empty is highly undesirable. In fact, it speaks about the degree of criticality and adequacy of a potential employee. Everyone has their drawbacks, and the complete denial of them casts doubt on some personal qualities. What then to indicate? The phrases “increased demands on oneself”, “straightforwardness”, “self-confidence”, etc. will turn out to be quite harmless. The main thing is to be able to competently beat them. For example, the shyness of a technical worker will play into his hands, but for a sales manager to have such a disadvantage is extremely undesirable. Therefore, in the second case, it is better to indicate "hyperactivity", "openness", etc.

The “Dignity” section of the questionnaire deserves special attention. Usually, applicants also think little about filling it out and write something like “active”, “non-conflicting”, “ambitious”, etc.

Firstly, the use of qualities with the prefix “not” is undesirable. A recruiter may have a perfectly reasonable question, where, in fact, did this word come from? After all, if a person writes “non-conflict”, then he has certain problems in relationships with people.

Secondly, overactive and ambitious people are often uncomfortable, especially in positions where no initiative is required. The wording “cheerful”, “creative”, “energetic”, etc. may well alert the employer. Naturally, any job has its own nuances, and if you want to take the place of a clown or an entertainer, then such qualities will come in handy. But in the application form for employment in an office or a factory, you should not write this. Instead, it is better to indicate that you are "executive", "responsible", "purposeful", etc. The presence of the listed qualities in the candidate will significantly increase his chances of successful employment.

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